воскресенье, 19 сентября 2010 г.

Reflection of my home town

It is my intention to send my leaflet containing articles and images of Tallinn to Brazil. People will read my leaflet and get an impression of my beautiful country.
When people think of Estonia, they immediatelly think of slow and stupid people.
So I felt it was important to show that we are not so strange becaouse we can do a lot what other people can. I agreed that I should also include photos of our sportsman and short articles about them becouse they say something about their achievments.
I didn't think it would be a good idea to include images of Lasnamae district becouse it looks grey, dull and very typical- I was determined to include photos of our new buildings in the center and I included them becouse I think that It shows how our city grows and stays young and modern.
Finally i decided to include pictures and short articles anout our school becouse it famous and great. It is already 88 years old and it was renevated recently. We also felt that it was important to show that life in Tallinn is active, improving and different, which makes it such an interesting place.

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