вторник, 1 февраля 2011 г.

Should cloning be banned?

         Nowadays many scientists are trying to find new treatment in medicine. One of the greatest idea was to clone people and take their healthy organs for sick people. But still scientists did not invent machine for cloning yet. I think it also would cost a lot of money.
         Some people against it and other for. But why should cloning be banned? I think it should not. I can not see any good arguments for prohibiting cloning. But there are a lot of good things. For example, as I already said, we would be able to cure people with help of cloning. Also clones would do some job for us.
         To sum up, I wanted to say that cloning is not so bad to ban it. But if someone asked me, if i want a clone of me, I would have definitely said no.

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